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【Gardening Challenge】Day3 Gourds 瓢箪 ヒョウタン

Several years ago,

I tried to grow gourds(ヒョウタン or 瓢箪, pronounced HYOTAN in Japanese)

 in my garden.


They are the ones that grow water bottle shaped or bowl shaped fruits.


I was planning to make some water bottles with those gourds.

I thought it  would be nice to use them, for fun.


It didn't work out well. My gourds were too small.


Gourds have been grown by mankind  from ancient times.

It goes back about ten thousand years.

It is known that gourds came to Japan about 9600 years ago, in the Jomon era.


The famous warrior TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi in the 16th century used this gourd design for his family crest .


As I'm writing this now, my desire to grow gourds are rising again.

Maybe I'll give it a try again next season.


Thank you for reading






